Kind words and a great offer

Kind words about our founder and President Grant Johnson from a world class marketer and his long-time friend, Alan Rosenspan.

Bright Ideas Offer
Grant Johnson knows all about treasuring his clients.
As the founder and president of Johnson Direct in
Wisconsin, he is a nationally recognized and respected
author, consultant and speaker.

At the recent DMA Annual Conference, Grant handed out his
terrific 48-page booklet, 99 Bright, Measurable Marketing Ideas.

The ideas are for everything from SEO (Search Engine
Marketing) to Public Relations to Direct Mail. And they are
all written in a simple, engaging style designed to
stimulate your thinking.

Grant also includes a couple of fun quotes about
advertising, including:
“He who has a thing to sell,
and goes and whispers in a well,
is not so apt to get the dollars,
as he who climbs into a tree and hollers”

For a free copy, e-mail
Grant’s booklet is a great companion to my 101 Ways to
Improve Response, which I would be delighted to send you.
So you’ll have 200 ideas to choose from!

Alan Rosenspan

Email me today at and I’ll be sure to get you a free digital copy of Grant’s book.