Are you a Measurable Marketer? Join the club!


If you’re in the marketing field, you’ve seen the word “measurable” take hold in recent years and infiltrate boardroom meetings, brainstorming sessions and strategic planning efforts. You won’t find a marketer alive today who doesn’t say accountability is a part of his or her directives.

But is it REALLY?

Pardon this side bar, but I have to tell you that on the agency side, we hear our new clients complain that their past marketing partners SAID they’d deliver measurable results, but at the end of the day, the data – if there was any at all – was weak. Appallingly, even those clients who have invested in digital marketing initiatives — the easiest to track and measure — come to us with absolutely no analytics or discoverable data at all.

No matter where you are, on the agency side or in a corporate or non-profit environment, marketing that’s measurable should be your mantra. And, keeping up with trends, tools and best practices that will fuel your measurable marketing efforts should be a daily exercise.


measurable-marketing-logoThe Measurable Marketing Group on LinkedIn
is a HOT SPOT for daily tips and links to the types of trends that will help you keep your marketing strategies accountable.



Try the Measurable Marketing Group for a week or two. If one or two of the discussions don’t intrigue you (I’ll be surprised), you can simply and easily unjoin.

Join now!

P.S. If you’re already a Measurable Marketing member, try your hand at starting your own discussion. It’s a great way to connect, network and collect valuable insights from your measurable marketing peers!