Focus First On…?

Almost every day I’m asked what the most important part of measurable marketing is. When I answer, most people are surprised. Why? Because in their minds it has little to do with actual marketing. But they’re wrong.

So, what is the most important part of measurable marketing…OUTSTANDING client service. We live in a day and age where customers are amazed when we simply deliver what we promise them. People are used to being disappointed and expect mediocrity. “Grant, I wanted to call and thank you for all your team’s hard work. You met our timeline and budgets.” My response typically is a genuine thanks, followed by, “We were only doing our job and there is no need to thank us for meeting agreed upon expectations.”

So why am I penning about this today? Because gaining share of wallet (from your current clients), is more important than gaining market share (from strangers). Direct just featured research that 2008 budgets will focus 61% on prospecting and 39% on retention. Yes, prospecting is important, but not as important as keeping current clients happy.

Satisfied clients will spend more, refer more and help your business grow with less effort than lots of new clients. And, because of information overload, word-of-mouth is more important today then in years past.

Clients that are raving fans fight to keep your budgets and even get you more dollars. They refer you to others within their company and recommend you to your peers.

Pick ten clients and focus, I mean really focus on exceeding their expectations. Let me know what happens. I’m confident the test will prove worthwhile for you.

Grant A. Johnson

Johnson Direct LLC
