Q: What’s more important, what my website says or how it looks?

A: Few clients even think to ask this question. Most clients have design in mind first and foremost. No matter where your visitors come from (search engines, publicity, word-of-mouth/referrals, email or direct mail), nearly all of them will search for and review your website to learn more about your qualifications, your services and the process in which they are about to embark. Your website must not only look professional, but it must convey the information that will help these visitors take the next step.

Simply put, the content (the copy) within your website should lead the site’s organization (architecture) and design. At Johnson Direct, we develop sites based on your business and marketing goals and the wants and needs of your target audiences. This is first addressed with well-organized, relevant, direct-response driven copy, then dressed-up with design that complements the content.

While the design of your website will certainly have an impact in portraying your organization as credible, authoritative and legitimate, it is the content of your website that will persuade visitors to contact you. Recognizing and embracing this distinction is what differentiates Johnson Direct from other website developers and options. We’re experts in direct response – developing content and design that persuades target audiences to take the actions we’ve devised for them.

Here’s a refersher on how to Design Your Site to Meet Customers’ Needs. 

This Question and Answer are just one feature covered in the latest issue of Johnson Direct’s Marketing that’s Measurable eNewsletter. If you didn’t receive your copy, please subscribe to ensure you don’t miss a future issue. In the meantime, catch up on the hot topics covered in the July/August issue.

Denise B. Hearden
eMarketing Director
Johnson Direct