Women Veterans: More marketing aimed specifically at this segment … and for good reason

Did you see this headline last week, Female veterans can now have special plates?” Pretty neat. Many states have honored its women veterans with a specialty license plate. Because women are the fastest growing veteran population, marketing campaigns targeted toward women vets are becoming more and more prevalent.

Here at Johnson Direct, we have a few clients that segment their marketing efforts toward American veterans. The campaigns enjoying the highest response rates are those aimed at women veterans.

We’re especially proud of Johnson Direct’s involvement in creating highly impactful marketing materials for the Veterans of Foreign Wars, and frankly, we’re in awe of the results we’ve generated with the VFW She Serves acquisition and retention marketing communications campaign. Just 27 months old – this campaign has already created exceptional momentum for the VFW toward its membership goals. Female enrollment was 3X higher in 2011 than it was in 2010! And, we’ve already set the stage to beat our own record-breaking results in 2012. We’ve already nearly doubled female VFW membership enrollment in Q1 2012 compared to Q1 2011.

Of course, we couldn’t have made this incredible impact without our strategic, integrated and multichannel marketing plan. Take a closer look at the deliverables from our She Serves marketing plan at http://joinsheserves.org/style-guide/assets-library.html. We’ve made this resource library highly accessible to all VFW departments, helping them with their day-to-day recruiting and retention initiatives and special events. It’s chock-full of downloadable and customizable tools including membership information resources, social media outlets, newsletters, a recruiting brochure, special event flyers, letterhead, posters, direct mail, video, banner ads, print ads and more.

While the results speak for themselves, our community of loyal, outspoken women veterans have a lot to say about the She Serves outreach as well. Here’s what women veterans are saying about our She Serves initiatives:

I’m thrilled to see a site [www.SheServesCommunity.com] dedicated to the fine work of women in uniform. There are special issues for military women and veterans which need this kind of attention.

Carla Ward

I am glad that there is this community.

Lisa Wilk

Thank you to National VFW for putting this program in place.

Renee Simpson

I joined because I needed friends that I didn’t need to explain things to. They just got it. It was one of the best things I have ever done.

Donna Holloway

I saw this support and I became a life member. It didn’t happen until I connected here.

BriGette McCoy

It has been a positive experience.

Vicki Bender

I believe our success stems from our passion not only for delivering measurable marketing, but for making sure the men and women who’ve served our country get access to the support, services and camaraderie they not only deserve, but that they’ve earned.

Does your organization have a segment that deserves special attention? Reach out to Johnson Direct for measurable marketing solutions that will resonate with your audience AND generate the outstanding results you’re looking for.